Director: Bill Barker
Bill served for nineteen years as the NAMB national missionary to the Appalachian and Mississippi River Delta Regions. Today, he pastors Wolffork Baptist Church, Rabun Gap, Georgia, and is the director of Appalachian Children Ministry.
Mickey Caison – retired national Disaster Relief (DR) director for Southern Baptist (NAMB) and pastor of Pine Crest Baptist Church, Gainesville, Georgia
Ron Lawson – retired from the NAMB and the Georgia Baptist Convention. Deacon at Wolffork Baptist Church, Rabun Gap, Georgia
Frank Nuckolls – retired from the Georgia Baptist Convention. Associational Strategist for the Flint River Baptist Association and a member of Flat Creek Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Georgia
Paul and Vickie Wingo – retired from the US Air Force and members of Dahlonega Baptist Church.